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Do I Need Wi-Fi 6 For My Home Network Setup?


Improve Performance and Capacity When You Upgrade to Wi-Fi 6

We get asked by homeowners all of the time if an upgrade to Wi-Fi 6 is needed. The answer is it depends. Whether or not you need to upgrade your home network setup to incorporate Wi-Fi 6 depends on how satisfied you are with your current wireless network, the speed, and function of your connected devices, and how many connected devices you intend to have in your home. 

Whether or not Wi-Fi 6 benefits you is based on your personal experiences and preferences. Also, if you have plans to extend the reach of your home network outside of your home, an upgrade would be something to consider. Continue reading to learn more about the benefits of upgrading Wi-Fi 6 for your New London, CT, area home.


SEE ALSO: What to Expect From a Professional Home Network Installation

Improve Performance for Multiple Devices

If you currently have several devices connected to your wireless network, you could improve performance by upgrading to Wi-Fi 6. If you have Wi-Fi 5, you will notice a difference in device performance because Wi-Fi 6 was built differently to support many connected devices and efficiently use the network. 

Do you have a smart home? Wi-Fi 6 was built specifically to support the types of IoT devices you would find in a smart home. The newest Wi-Fi can feed multiple devices at once without slowing service to any of them. As a result, homeowners have reported smoother service and improved reliability with Wi-Fi 6. 

Access Faster Speeds

If your current device performance is slower than you would like it to be, upgrading to Wi-Fi 6 will allow you to move faster. This difference is because Wi-Fi 6 contains additional streams by which data can flow, dramatically increasing wireless activity speeds.

Improved Streaming Services

Wi-Fi 6 routers have been improved with greater processing capabilities, larger banks of memory, and more available streams. These updates mean you'll be able to enjoy movies or TV shows you stream at home with less buffering, stuttering, and freezing. Multiple devices streaming at once? No problem when you upgrade to Wi-Fi 6.

More Support for Mesh Networks

If you would like to extend the reach of your wireless network outside of your home to support things like outside AV, security systems, or automated lighting, Wi-Fi 6 can also support additional devices around your home. For example, you can create a mesh network of access points to extend the reach of your Wi-Fi 6 signal. 

If you're interested in learning more about Wi-Fi 6 or how to extend your wireless home network setup, please contact the network experts at C&T Systems. We would love to help you enjoy smart home technology in your New London, CT, area home and make life more simplified.

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