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Enhance Your Sense Of Comfort With A Home Security System


Discover The Peace Of Mind That Comes With Adding Protection For People and Property Without Running Wires.

Feeling safe and secure in your home is vital, not only does it provide you with a level of comfort, it protects your life and livelihood. A home security system allows you to find solace and give you peace of mind whether you are in the master bedroom or the Bahamas.

At C&T Systems we offer certified solutions that fit any application or situation. Whether you are constructing a new building or looking to retrofit an existing residence we incorporate the latest technology for you.

Are you curious about the possibilities for your home in West Hartford, CT and surrounding areas? Then continue reading below to find out more.

  946 Hits

2 Reasons to Use 2GIG Security as Your Home Security System


A 2GIG Home Security System Comes with Awesome Benefits

The “2GIG” in 2GIG Security actually stands for “2 guys in a garage.” That’s because that is actually how 2GIG Security started, with 2 engineers working in a garage. From humble beginnings, 2GIG Security has become a leader in the security industry and a trusted brand among homeowners.

Homeowners in West Hartford, CT and the surrounding areas are using 2GIG Security for their home security systems more and more because of the immense benefits that come with this state-of-the-art solution. With the holidays approaching, it is more important now than ever to invest in a home security system that protects their home and families.

C&T Systems works with you to design a 2GIG security solution that tailors their features to best match your priorities and needs.

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How Can Lutron Lighting Systems Help You Stay Safe in the Winter?


Explore How Lighting Control Can Enhance Your Property’s Security Presence

Winter in Connecticut is well underway, and that, unfortunately, means it won’t be long until you’re dealing with the next snow or ice storm.

Or perhaps you’re heading out of town toward warmer temperatures and you’re concerned about keeping your property safe through the season.

No matter the circumstance, Lutron lighting control can enhance your family’s safety this winter.

How, exactly, might lighting control improve your Old Saybrook, CT home’s security presence?

Simply read on to find out more.

  637 Hits