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Six Fundamentals for a Fantastic Dedicated Home Theater (Part 2 of 2)


C & T Systems Presents a Few More Essential Elements Needed for Your Private Cinema in Avon, CT

C & T Systems has all of the experience, knowledge, and tools necessary to construct a home theater that will deliver the best home entertainment experience you have ever had. In our previous post, we shed a little light on the importance of finding the right screens, optimizing audio and choosing sophisticated seating for your custom home theater.

In this go-round, we will highlight a few other elements you’ll want to consider to augment your room’s atmosphere.

  511 Hits

Access Your Entire Glastonbury Home in One Touch with Savant


C & T Systems Gets You the Most Benefits Out of Your Smart Home Automation System

There are a number of different control systems you can choose from when it comes to smart home automation. So what makes Savant Systems different? If you are looking for something that is easy to use, elegant, and highly customizable then you’ll definitely want to go with Savant. In this blog, we’ll give you some ideas on how to get the most out of this system for your home in Glastonbury, or anywhere in the Northern Connecticut area.

  810 Hits