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Embrace the Sophistication of Palladiom Shades Without Running Wires


Learn How The Elegant Line Of Lutron’s Battery Powered Window Treatments Enhance Your Home

Shades are more than the final fit and fashion for your windows; they serve an essential function for your home. We are all aware that a room looks incomplete without something on the windows. Adding shades creates an inviting ambiance, transforming a room from stark and empty to a space that expresses you

In addition to providing an accent to your decor, window treatments help lower energy costs and create a sense of privacy. Lutron battery shades not only dispense with wires, but they are also available in a variety of styles and fabrics.

Read more below to learn why the Palladiom line of shades is a perfect fit for your smart home in Avon, CT, and surrounding areas. 

  518 Hits

3 Ways to Complement Home Décor with Lighting Control Design


Enhance your Glastonbury Home’s Beauty with a Lighting Installation

Some of the basic elements of interior design include wall color, furniture, artwork and other feature items that add character. But have you ever given more thought to how lighting adds to your home décor? C&T systems not only meets Connecticut homeowners’ basic needs of lighting installation, but we also incorporate lighting fixtures, designs, and automation into the overall look and feel of your home. Here are three ways we use lighting control design to make your property look gorgeous.

  664 Hits