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4 Exciting New Trends in Home Lighting Control


Explore the Technology That Will Have the Biggest Impact in 2020

No technology in the world is older than lighting control, but that doesn’t mean it is not constantly evolving. Ever since humans created fire, they’ve been looking for new ways to illuminate their spaces and improve their lifestyles. Dimmers may have introduced the modern lighting control movement in the late 1950s, but innovation hasn't stopped there.

In the following decades, there's been the advent of color-changing bulbs, whole-home systems, and even intuitive mobile apps. Valuable additions were made in 2019 as well, whether it was brand new technology or existing one finally finding its way to residential applications in Newport, RI, Old Saybrook, CT and throughout New England. Explore our latest blog to learn about the latest and greatest in home lighting control, including tunable fixtures, voice control, and more.

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How You Can Benefit from Lighting Control Throughout the Day


Different hues simulate certain moods and enhance your overall well-being

Sunlight is vital to our well-being, which is why there’s been a growing trend of using tunable LED fixtures to create more human-centric lighting. Tunable LEDs adjust their hues throughout the day to mimic sunlight. Natural light patterns help regulate your sleep cycle to fend off stress and depression, as we’ve previously discussed in the blog linked below. 

As the days start getting shorter in the fall throughout New Englandfrom Westerly, RI to Hartford, CTit’s the perfect time to embrace a more health-conscious lighting solution. There are a variety of manufacturers that offer tunable lighting, but we recommend Lutron home lighting control for their wide range of fixtures and control options

But out of all their features, the one we want to highlight in this blog is their day/night conditional program. Rely on just one keypad in the kitchen, bedroom or living room to get the ideal lighting no matter the time of day. The space will illuminate differently using the same button, whether its 6 a.m. or 6 p.m. In this blog, we’ll show you how that feature plays out in a typical day. 

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