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Enhance Your Sense Of Comfort With A Home Security System


Discover The Peace Of Mind That Comes With Adding Protection For People and Property Without Running Wires.

Feeling safe and secure in your home is vital, not only does it provide you with a level of comfort, it protects your life and livelihood. A home security system allows you to find solace and give you peace of mind whether you are in the master bedroom or the Bahamas.

At C&T Systems we offer certified solutions that fit any application or situation. Whether you are constructing a new building or looking to retrofit an existing residence we incorporate the latest technology for you.

Are you curious about the possibilities for your home in West Hartford, CT and surrounding areas? Then continue reading below to find out more.


See Also: Create The Perfect Environment In Your Home

Sophisticated Safety

You shouldn’t have to resign yourself to clunky beige boxes to secure your home; your system should look as elegant as it is effective.

The 2021 Consumer Technology Award-winning interfaces from 2GIG combine cutting-edge technologies, convenience, and style that fits beautifully in your home. The touchpanels and video doorbells are the first in the industry to utilize facial recognition. Now you do not have to fumble with the groceries to disarm the alarm - just smile and you are in.

Keep in touch no matter where you are, with the app.  Whether you are home or away, stream live video, be alerted to alarms and notifications, or manage entry for deliveries and trades. Ensuring your property and the people you love are safe is just a few swipes away.


Not all threats to life and safety come from nefarious individuals. Save on insurance and costly repairs by installing  a network of encrypted specialized sensors that minimizes damage, saves lives, and keeps your data private. .

Fire is the single most destructive event for any homeowner; it leaves very little in its aftermath, erasing generations of memories and comfort. While many residential fires are caused by stand-alone heaters and candles, many smolder for months behind walls. Integrating a web of thermal, chemical, and smoke detectors offers early detection, stopping the unthinkable before it gets started.

Water damage is insidious in its stealth; broken connections, cracked pipes, and leaky HVAC units can go unnoticed for weeks and months. Unabated, you face the spread of mildew and mold, increasing health hazards for you and susceptible family members. Moisture detectors identify issues. preventing conditions that invite termites and other pests and avoiding serious structural damage.

Update Your Existing Home

Standard security systems require miles of wiring to add sensors, cameras, and connections, in existing homes this can be cost prohibitive and intrusive.

Our wireless systems and takeover kits allow for full integration of new systems and the expansion of existing units without tearing up walls or starting over. Worried about an elderly parent cooking?  Easily add a stove and grill sensor to detect and notify you if it left on too long. The options for avoiding the worst are endless.

Protection That Never Sleeps

Are you ready to feel the comfort of a complete home security system? Get in touch by calling (860) 875-2876 or fill out a short form on the page linked below. We look forward to assisting you!

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