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Six Fundamentals for a Fantastic Dedicated Home Theater (Part 1 of 2)


Get Ready for Big Blockbusters this Summer by Installing a Theater in your Glastonbury Home

Now that it’s starting to get warmer, we have our sights on the summer. Exciting new movies are already coming out, and there are going to be many big blockbusters hitting the cinema this season. To prepare, why not have C & T Systems build a home theater for you in a dedicated room? To get you started, we’ll show you some essential pieces of every home theater. This will be a two-part series that covers the finer points of what C & T Systems has to offer your family in Glastonbury, CT.


 1. 4K Projectors Provide Perfect Picture

C & T Systems has partnered with JVC electronics for years. They are the industry leader in premium home theater projectors. Their 4K projectors provide flicker-free images and the industry’s highest contrast and resolution. JVC uses an innovative technology called D-ILA, or direct drive image light amplifier. It produces the deepest blacks and vivid whites at the same time—creating the most impactful images. You can enjoy your movie in 2D or 3D since you have the option of using both. No matter the size or shape of the room, C & T Systems can install a JVC D-ILA 4K projector with any application, including ultra-wide cinema scope screens, anamorphic lenses, and advanced system controls. 
2. Experience the Action with Powerful Audio
If you are watching a thriller like Furious 7, you’re going to want to feel like you’re right in the middle of the action. It will be as if the roaring engines are vibrating right at your side, and the screeching wheels are piercing your ears. There’s really nothing like being surrounded by amazing audio and feeling like you’re in the midst of the scene. Surround sound systems make the magic happen by moving sound to the different speakers placed in key areas of the room. C & T Systems will design the layout, and do the audio calibration for you to optimize the sound.
Hi-Fi audio in your home theater not only shines with action and suspense films. If you’re watching a family comedy like Annie or a romantic drama like Cinderella, you’ll still experience incredible depth of sound and crystal clear performance. C & T Systems can place speakers in the wall or hide them in the ceiling to disguise them too. Our goal is to create a cinematic experience you’ll remember and be talking about for months.
3. Relax in Custom Seating by Salamander Designs
Though sound and picture are incredibly important in creating a quality dedicated home theater, your seating choice also plays a crucial role in your experience. We partner with Salamander Designs, which gives you many choices for style, color, and fabric. You’ll want a perfectly positioned chair or sofa and appropriate colors and designs to match your theme. Cup holders, recliners, and even adding some blankets to the room will make it extra cozy and inviting. Though you may not want the seats to be too comfortable because you could fall asleep in them! 
Stick around for part two of the blog series as we have more to show you and offer when it comes to premium entertainment at home. Fill out our contact form to get started on constructing your home theater. Before you know it, those summer blockbuster like Jurassic World and the Avengers will be here. 


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