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Here’s the Often Overlooked Key to a High-End Smart Home


Find Out the Importance of a Strong Network Setup

Whether you’re in the new-build construction phase of your home or you’re planning out renovations, it should go without being said that you need to consider all aspects that contribute to the success of the renovation.

What this means is that your home upgrade is more than just selecting the addition you’re interested in and calling it a day. In fact, any addition — especially when it comes to smart technology — needs to have the right foundation. That’s why when moving forward with a smart home automation system, it’s imperative that you consider the network setup in your Westerly home.

In this blog, we will look at why a proper home network setup helps your smart home communicate efficiently and what to consider when moving forward with your setup.



See Also: Incorporate Technology from the Design Stage of Your Projects


The Backbone of Your Smart Home

When adding smart technology to your space, a home automation system helps bring it all together. It relies on a strong network to get all these different devices communicating together and working as one.

One of the reasons that many DIY smart homes fail is that the network isn’t ready to handle the added load. A connection initially just used on a few devices suddenly has to serve as a highway for all your home’s technology.

The first step in any smart home installation needs to be bolstering your network. In the next section we’ll break down what a typical network entails and the parts of it that will need a bit of a boost to handle the latest technology.


Understanding Home Networks

Two primary aspects of your network will affect your smart technology: bandwidth and speed.

Many homeowners go straight for high-speed internet packages, thinking that it guarantees speedy and efficient performance. While this can sometimes be the case, your technology’s success is more likely to be dependent on the network’s bandwidth. Bandwidth is the network’s capacity — the amount of internet traffic it can carry.

Think of it like this: If several cars on the highway are traveling fast, but there’s only one lane, the speed doesn’t matter much does it? Traffic will build up because there is not enough room — the bandwidth — to facilitate all of the vehicles.

If your home automation system integrates several products that are constantly accessing the network at the same time — TVs streaming movies and content, devices communicating commands, computers utilizing video chat, and general web usage — these are the cars on the highway that will build up traffic.

It’s necessary to consider what your home automation system will include, and then setting up the right home network that caters to that usage.

Once you prepare your bandwidth requirements, speed will certainly have a say in your smart home. Let’s say you have the bandwidth to facilitate the traffic. With poor speed, you risk lag-time in your media-streaming, and slow download/upload rates.

Ready to set up your home automation system for success? Reach out to us online or give us a call at (860) 875-2876.

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